This recording features three performers from storied backgrounds. Hagai Shaham began to study the violin at the age of six and was the last student of the renowned Ilona Feher. Arnon Erez studied...
When this piano trio came to life in 2009, they were greeted with great enthusiasm from audiences that found themselves bowled over by the intense musicality of this exciting new ensemble. Their...
Johannes Brahms (1833-97) was uncompromisingly self-critical about his musical achievements and was only too aware of the long shadow of Ludwig van Beethoven over his creative output. He had composed...
Publisher Julien Hamelle snapped up Faur?'s Berceuse following it's first performance in February 1880. It's success was no flash in the pan either: it sold over 700 copies in the first year and...
Hal?r Trio is an ensemble based on the outstanding Spanish violinist Eduardo Garc?a Salas. For years, the main goal of the ensemble has been to revive the character of the outstanding Czech violinist...