This is the story of Salvatore Giuliano, the most notorious outlaw in the history of Sicily. His brazen actions were so embarrasing to authorities that the plot to bring him down - hatched by the...
In what would be one of her final roles, Rita Hayworth (Gilda) plays the alcoholic mother of two sons who are at war with each other over a case of stolen jewels. When Jason (Giuliano Gemma) steals a...
At the height of the Bush administration, Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong was charged with selling bongs over the internet and sentenced to nine months in federal prison. As part of the government's...
A study of crazy brilliance and flamboyant sincerity (Los Angeles Herald-Examiner), a.k.a Cassius Clay presents a fascinating look at the incredible life and achievements of one of the most daring...