This stirring Soviet drama is set during World War II and focuses on Sotnikov (Boris Plotnikov) and Rybak (Vladimir Gostyukhin), partisan soldiers captured by the Germans in Belarus while searching...
Michael Farr (Ciaran Hinds), a teacher raising his two kids alone since his wife died two years earlier, has been seeing and hearing strange things late in the night. He isn't sure if he is having...
Deep in the depths of hell, Veronica, (Angela Featherstone; "The Zero Effect," "Soul Survivors," "Friends") a young demoness, yearns to visit the world of man. Veronica finds a secret passage and...
Thrilling aerial combat scenes highlight director William Wellman's silent WWI saga, winner of the first Best Picture Academy Award. Richard Arlen and Charles "Buddy" Rogers are small-town best...
In Los Angeles, the criminals are one step away from taking over the city. Drugs and guns are all over the streets. It'll take a special kind of cop to put an end to it all. Max Dire (Mario Van...