DAY ZERO - Blu-ray - After serving eight incident-free years in prison, a former elite soldier is released, finally free to reunite with his estranged wife and young daughter. However, he re-enters...
Grimoire of Zero contains episodes 1-12 of the anime which was directed by Tetsuo Hirakawa. Like most Beastfallen, the half-tiger known as Mercenary hates the witches who created them, so when he's...
With a pandemic having turned most of the world's population into an intelligent breed of zombie dubbed "the Infected," Morgan (Matt Smith), one of the few remaining human survivors, discovers he's...
In a Rome gripped in pandemic lockdown and reeling from a terrorist attack on the Vatican, American operative J.J. (Ethan Hawke) furtively hunts by night for clues as to the cabal responsible-as well...