The most personal film by Guillermo del Toro (CRONOS) is also among his most frightening and emotionally layered. Set during the final week of the Spanish Civil War, THE DEVIL'S BACKBONE tells the...
Billy Ray Smith (Anthony Edwards) is a schoolteacher in a small Texas town, never happier than when he's reading the adventures of Kid Durango and dreaming of being a Western hero. But Billy's dreams...
Kuba is passionate about fast cars, and an extremely talented driver. After his sister is diagnosed with a serious illness, he decides to get quick cash for her treatment by taking part in illegal...
Guns of Diablo - Digitally Remastered. Guns of Diablo is the product of two episodes of the hit TV series The Travels of Jamie McPheeters. 14-year-old Kurt Russell plays Jamie, an orphaned boy...
The most personal film by Guillermo del Toro (CRONOS) is also among his most frightening and emotionally layered. Set during the final week of the Spanish Civil War, THE DEVIL'S BACKBONE tells the...