ELSTREE 1976 explores the lives of the actors and extras behind one of the most celebrated franchises in cinematic history, Star Wars, which spans from George Lucas' original A NEW HOPE to J.J...
In this fascinating documentary, go behind the scenes of one of the most iconic film series of all time: "Star Wars." The actors and extras who played aliens, stormtroopers, rebels and even Darth...
Back in the '80s, a gaggle of teens with a grudge pranked and tormented an elderly former daycare owner (Lin Shaye) until she committed suicide. Soon afterward, however, the woman's widower (Tobin...
In this heart-pounding, edge-of-your-seat thriller, veteran 911 operator Jordan (Academy Award. Winner Halle Berry, MONSTERS BALL, 2001) takes a life-altering call from a teenage girl (Academy Award...
Detective Inspector Hazel Micallef (Susan Sarandon) leads a quiet life with her mother (Ellen Burstyn), her painkillers, and an occasional drink. But when she checks on an ill neighbor, she stumbles...