This visually striking satirical sci-fi procedural spun from Terry Pratchett's "Discworld" mythos follows the caseload of grizzled police chief Sam Vines (Richard Dormer) and his oddball underlings...
Three years after she witnessed the brutal home invasion killing of her mother, young Julie Peterson (Shawn von Schreiber) braced for the remarriage of her father (James Naughton) to a TV news...
This highly acclaimed 1980 French film was directed by the great French director, Bertrand Tavernier (Coup de Torchon, ' Round Midnight) and filmed on location in Scotland. The story is part human...
When California real-estate agent Wendell "Sonny" Lawson (Burt Reynolds, Semi-Tough) is told that he only has six months to live he decides to try and beat the grim reaper to the punch in the darkly...