In a mythical kingdom among the clouds, one young stable boy named James (Tom Schultz) dreams of becoming a hero and to catch the eye of little Princess Stephanie (Christine Taylor, Zoolander). But...
A futuristic solar home in the far desert was supposed to be their refuge from urban crime... A family finds it's "dream house" becomes a home for nightmares of the alien kind. The new desert...
World War II is over, and millions of Gls forever changed by the war return to a nation far different from the one they left. Among them are three Marines: Bill (Robert Mitchum), an easygoing cowpoke...
In Time Walker (1982), an alien, buried in King Tut's tomb, terrorizes a college campus. In The Day Time Ended (1979), aliens visit the solar-powered house of a middle-class family, and the house is...
It is 1841, and a group of revolutionaries rise against the Mexican government in Monterey, California, seeking admission to the United States. Two brothers go head-to-head as Don Francisco leads the...