Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) is a New York City subway dispatcher whose ordinary day is thrown into chaos by an audacious crime: The hijacking of a subway train. Ryder (John Travolta), the...
John Travolta and Denzel Washington square off in director Tony Scott's hyperkinetic do-over of the 1974 suspense classic, with Travolta searing the screen as Ryder, the leader of an armed gang that...
Two-disc set includes: We Own The Night (2007)Brooklyn nightclub manager Bobby Green (Joaquin Phoenix) gets an offer to join the drug trade from a pusher working inside his club. Because Bobby has...
Walter Garber (Denzel Washington) is a New York City subway dispatcher whose ordinary day is thrown into chaos by an audacious crime: The hijacking of a subway train. Ryder (John Travolta), the...
Screen legends Walter Matthau (The Laughing Policeman) and Robert Shaw (Figures in a Landscape) team up with Martin Balsam (After the Fox) and Hector Elizondo (Cuba) to deliver a sure-fire...