Documentary on the legendary Husker Du drummer, singer & songwriter directed by Gorman Bechard. Hart welcomes you into his world, immediately addresses any Husker Du reunion possibilities in an...
This multi award-winning documentary tells the story of jazz pianist Bill Evans' turbulent life and his contribution to jazz music. Features over 40 interviews, including several renowned musicians:...
A Time For Every Purpose, is the story of four drifting souls in search of answers. A pastor deals with his waning influence over his congregation; a teenager feels like an outcast as he copes with...
As a young man, guitarist and music producer Atkins found a way out of poverty when he picked up his first guitar and began to play. Atkins landed in Nashville where he was considered a pioneering...
When, in December 2008, six decades into his illustrious career, Alfred Brendel bade farewell to an emotional Viennese audience, it was not a "full stop", as it may have appeared at that moment...