This film, based on the play by Jonathan Harvey, tells the story of the developing romance between 2 male teenagers. The film is filled with intriguing characters, among them Leah, who spends her...
Japanese reissue of the original soundtrack album. Sony. 2018.1. The Norm Wooster Singers - Lovin' You Lots And Lots 1:54 2. The Wonders - That Thing You Do! 2:47 3. The Wonders - Little Wild One...
Soundtrack to Canuxploitation classic THINGS from 1989.1. Bombs Away 2. Tailspin 3. Don't Go That Way 4. Criminally Insane 5. Things Theme 6. Serial Lover 7. Mind Control
The problem of gun violence gripping the nation is especially dire in Philadelphia. On June 6, 2023, in recognition of national Gun Violence Awareness Month, Netflix will release Bad Things Happen In...