In this second startling film in the BLIND DEAD series, writer/director Amando de Ossorio returns to the horrific origin of the depraved Templar: heretic knights whose eyes were burned out by...
Single mom Ellie (Alyssa Sutherland) and kids Bridget (Gabrielle Echols), Danny (Morgan Davies), and (Nell Fisher) were having an uncomfortable visit from her pregnant sister Beth (Lily Sullivan)...
A TV station employee takes a camera crew out to an abandoned factory to investigate a purported snuff film that was made there, only to end up running for her life. Nami hosts a late night home...
A secluded cabin. An ancient curse. An unrelenting evil. The original producers reunite to present a genuinely terrifying re-imagining of their original horror masterpiece. Five young friends have...
Evil Dead 1: Ash (cult favorite Bruce Campbell) and four friends arrive at a backwoods cabin for a vacation, where they find a tape recorder containing incantations from an ancient book of the dead...