Based on the novels by James S.A. Corey, this Syfy series debuted in 2015. In the 23rd century, police detective Josephus Miller (Thomas Jane), space freighter first officer James Holden (Steven...
Based on the novels by James S.A. Corey, this Syfy series debuted in 2015. In the 23rd century, police detective Josephus Miller (Thomas Jane), space freighter first officer James Holden (Steven...
The early wanderings of Lee Child's chiseled and cerebral ex-MP officer get adapted in this riveting Prime offering, with Alan Ritchson stepping into the butt-kicking shoes of Jack Reacher. The...
Ambitious and acclaimed series from "The Queen" scribe Peter Morgan offers a comprehensive look at the adult life and reign of Elizabeth II over a projected six-season arc. The opening season follows...