Based on the novels by James S.A. Corey, this Syfy series debuted in 2015. In the 23rd century, police detective Josephus Miller (Thomas Jane), space freighter first officer James Holden (Steven...
Based on the novels by James S.A. Corey, this Syfy series debuted in 2015. In the 23rd century, police detective Josephus Miller (Thomas Jane), space freighter first officer James Holden (Steven...
Amid shifting alliances, unsolved murders, open wounds, and hard-earned respect, Dutton family patriarch John Dutton (Kevin Costner) is determined to protect his ranch and his family's legacy by any...
Season two of "Outlander" begins as Claire and Jamie arrive in France, hell-bent on infiltrating the Jacobite rebellion led by Prince Charles Stuart, and stopping the battle of Culloden. With the...