Heart pounding adventure, shadowy intrigues and dangerous passions ignite this epic story about two women-separated by centuries - who share a destiny to protect the secrets of the legendary Holy...
Jennifer Connelly, David Bowie. A teenage girl must make her way to the castle of the Goblin King to rescue her baby brother in this wildly imaginative fantasy. Directed by Jim Henson and written by...
In 1944 Spain young Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) and her ailing mother (Ariadna Gil) arrive at the post of her mother's new husband (Sergi L pez), a sadistic army officer who is trying to quell a guerrilla...
Germany 1958. In those years, "Auschwitz" was a word that some people had never heard of, and others wanted to forget as quickly as possible. Against the will of his immediate superior, young...
Two-disc set includes: The Dark Crystal (1983)A thousand years ago on the planet Thra, two new races of beings emerge after the Dark Crystal is broken: the nefarious Skeksis and the peaceful Mystics...