Two-time Academy Award winner Sally Field, Kiefer Sutherland and Ed Harris star in this riveting thriller about the search for justice in an unjust world. Karen McCann's (Sally Field) orderly life is...
75 years after World War II, an arctic research team discovers the Himmelsfaust, a colossal Nazi Warship thought to be long lost. Within they find Third Reich's base for a weapon like no other: Sky...
Jake Gyllenhaal and Laura Dern star in October Sky, a touching and inspirational drama that's based on a true story. Working in the coal mines was an inescapable way of life in the small town of...
In 2001 Iraq, two Navy pilots - Butch Masters and Tom Craig - are ordered on a bombing mission. During the raid, an American soldier gets killed and a chemical weapon, called Rainmaker is stolen...