Fairyland's new album "Osyrhianta" is the fourth in a conceptual series and acts as a prequel to the previous trilogy that was comprised of "Of Wars In Osyrhia" (2003), "The Fall Of An Empire" (2006)...
Fairyland Of Wars In Osyrhia CD1. And So Came the Storm 2. Ride with the Sun 3. Doryan the Enlightened 4. Storyteller 5. Fight for Your King 6. On the Path to Fury 7. Rebirth 8. Fellowship 9. Dark...
Fairyland Fall Of An Empire CD1. Endgame 2. Fall of An Empire 3. Lost in the Dark Lands 4. Slaves Forlorn 5. Awakening 6. Eldanie Uelle 7. Clanner of the Light 8. To the Havenrod 9. Walls of Laemnil...
Rachel@Fairyland' marks the beginning of a new era for Rae Morris. Speaking on the record, and the collaboration with Shawn Everett, who mixed the record, Morris says: 'We knew we wanted the record...
Freedom Call Stairway To Fairyland CD1. Over the Rainbow 2. Tears Falling 3. Fairyland 4. Shine on 5. We Are One 6. Hymn to the Brave 7. Tears of Taragon 8. Graceland 9. Holy Knight 10. Another Day