The magical mayhem reaches a whole new level as the members of FAIRY TAIL welcome new friends to the guild - and embark on the high-flying adventures. When six sorcerers seek to unleash a devastating...
It's all work and no play for the wizards of Fairy Tail. After the fight against the Eclipse spirits, our heroes have a random assortment of adventures involving babysitting, transformation magic, an...
The most powerful wizards in Fairy Tail travel to a remote island rich in magic-and history. There, they compete against one another to see who among them deserves to be given the title of "S-Class."...
When an unstoppable force descends upon Magnolia and Fairy Tail, the entire town is transported to Edolas, a world where magic is in short supply. There, a power-hungry kingdom plans on draining the...
The most epic magic tournament in history continues as the members of Fairy Tail attempt to snatch victory from the strongest guilds in the Grand Magic Games. With the magical world completely...