Neurotic businessman Greg Brentwood (Michael Kitchen, Foyle's War) throws an extravagant anniversary party for his wife, Linda (Phyllis Logan, Downton Abbey), at their English country home. One of...
Mystery novelist Phillip Blackwood has writer's block. He hits the courtrooms for inspiration - and is zapped with a doozy. A mysterious Romanian woman arraigned for murder arouses both his creative...
Baseball rookie Frank X. Farrell is a phenom a kid who can hurl the ol' horsehide and swing the lumber so well he may lead Chicago's beloved Cubbies to a pennant. Joe E. Brown brings a whirlybird...
Chief of detectives Joe Conroy (Sterling Hayden) shrugged it off when surly baker Al Willis (Gene Barry), rousted on a D&D and released, swore he'd get even. He changed his mind after all three...