PLAN A is based on the incredible true story of the "Avengers" - a group of Jewish vigilantes, men and woman, who after surviving the Holocaust vow to avenge the death of their people - "an eye for...
On an isolated farm in what appears to be the 1800s, a family is led by their tyrannical father who preaches fire and brimstone, and devout mother who preaches obedience. The children fight to free...
In Rebecca Miller's witty romantic comedy, Maggie (Greta Gerwig) is a vibrant New Yorker, who without success in finding love, decides to have a child on her own. But when she meets John Harding...
This intense tale tells of brothers Hank (Bill Paxton) and Jacob Mitchell (Billy Bob Thornton) who, along with friend Lou (Brent Briscoe), find a gym bag stuffed with $4.4 million in a crashed plane...