Writer/director Cameron Crowe's affectionate, semi-autobiographical story centers on high school student William Miller (Patrick Fugit), who aspires to cover the rock scene in the early 1970s...
FAMOUS NATHAN is the insider documentary by Lloyd Handwerker, grandson of Nathan Handwerker, who founded the legendary Brooklyn eatery and iconic New York institution, Nathan's Famous, in Coney...
Set against the backdrop of the socially and politically volatile 1960s, Nobody Famous traces the quick rise and steady fall of the 60s folk/pop trio, The Pozo Seco Singers. It is the award-winning...
One friend is an intense writer of works that win rarefied critical praise. The other, a housewife, pens trashy tales inspired by her La-La-Land neighbors, and voila! Best-seller charts. Can...
Handel was born in the small German town of Halle. His father was Surgeon to the local ruler a certain Duke of Weissenfels. From an early Age he displayed a precocious musical talent. His local...