Nothing else has ever looked or felt like director Rene Laloux' animated marvel Fantastic Planet, a politically minded and visually inventive work of science fiction. The film is set on a distant...
Alain Delon is Robert Klein, an art dealer in occupied France who purchases valuable works from Jews trying to flee the country for a song. But when Nazi officials mistake him for a second Mr...
A young boy stands on a station platform. The train is about to leave. Should he go with his mother or stay with his father? An infinity of possibilities rise from this decision. As long as he...
A lottery win leads not to financial and emotional freedom but to social captivity in this wildly cynical classic about love and exploitation by Rainer Werner Fassbinder (Lola, Ali: Fear Eats the...
This unorthodox dream western by Robert Altman (Nashville) may be the most radically beautiful film to come out of the New American Cinema that transformed Hollywood in the early 1970s. It stars...