Yuletide-themed dark comedy stars Billy Bob Thornton as Willie, a low-life con man who, along with pint-sized partner Marcus (Tony Cox) as his trusted "elf," poses as a mall Santa in order to rob the...
Newly released from prison, car thief Rudy Duncan (Ben Affleck) assumes his late cellmate's identity so he can be with the dead man's pen-pal girlfriend Ashley (Charlize Theron). Unfortunately for...
After 13 failed years of trying to clean up his act, Willie Soke (Billy Bob Thornton) is ready to grab the safecracking tools and Santa suit again when ex-partner/"elf" Marcus (Tony Cox) asks him to...
For perky suburban realtor Suzanne (Anna Margaret Hollyman), nothing could shake her love for the holidays... at least, until she came home to find her weatherman spouse Jeff (Nathan Williams) killed...