Raphael (Japan) Raphael Singles CD1. White Love Story 2. Japanese Title 3. Sweet Romance 4. Follow You 5. Japanese Title 6. Japanese Title 7. Eternal Wish 8. Japanese Title 9. Promise 10. Cadenza 11...
Ferreira,Bibi Piaf CD1. La Foule 2. La Ville Inconnue 3. Monsieur St. Pierre 4. La Goualante Du Pauvre Jean 5. Qu'est-Ce Qu'on Attend Pour Etre Heureux 6. L'accordeoniste 7. L'hymne de la Resistance...
The first solo album of this composer and arranger, accompanied by the amateur pianist Longhini Junior; in a harmonious, rich in sonority link, which brings together jazz, samba, bossa nova and...