Relive all the magic of this beloved musical when Dorothy (Diana Ross) is whisked away to the enchanting wonderland of Oz, where she encounters the Scarecrow (Michael Jackson), the Tinman (Nipsey...
The Stud Blu-ray - Satisfaction Guaranteed! Film and television icon, Joan Collins (TV s Dynasty, The Bitch) is back and she's fierier than ever as Fontaine, the bored wife of a rich businessman and...
When the Western film, for many decades the staple of the American cinema, suffered a decline in the Seventies, a new sub-species helped fill the void - the trucking epic. The great Sam Peckinpah...
In the tradition of "The Wind and the Lion" comes this lavish adventure based on James Michener's best-selling novel. Michael Sarrazin is an American diplomat assigned to locate a senator's daughter...
Academy Award½-winner Anthony Hopkins (Silence of the Lambs) is Corky, a painfully shy, failed magician who finds overnight success as a ventriloquist. His brash, foul-mouthed dummy, Fats, becomes a...