FIGHTER - DVD - Mark Wahlberg stars in Paramount Pictures' inspirational docudrama exploring the remarkable rise of Massachusetts-born, junior welterweight title winner "Irish" Micky Ward. A...
International mercenaries descend on an African tribe to smother an uprising as pawns of a corrupt African President. Acting legend Peter Fonda stars as one of the mercs who realize they've been...
U.S. airman Ed Hardin pilots a damaged P-47 Thunderbolt toward a perilous but successful belly flop landing at his fighter-group base in the English countryside. The battered aircraft may never wing...
When terrorists skyjack a miaage 2000 fighter plane jet aces walkn marcheilli & fahrenheit vallois kick in their afterburners to intercept. But shooting down an al qaeda kamikaze is only the...
In the early '80s, Iranian teen Ali Jahani (George Kosturos)-attending a California college on a wrestling scholarship-was desperate for cash to bring his ailing mother to the States. A classmate...