Academy Award winner James Cagney leads an all-star cast in a story of cowardice and courage based on the true-life experiences of Catholic priest Father Duffy assigned to a scrappy unit of Irish...
Before the bell of freedom could ring, these major WWII battles would define and reshape it at a tremendous cost to human lives on both sides of the battle lines. 10 outstanding segments in this...
High schooler Nanbu Kiroku yearns for the prim, Catholic Michiko, but her only desire is to reform Kiroku's sinful tendencies. Direction: Seijun Suzuki Actors: Hideki Takahashi, Isao Takanawa, Kayo...
Put-upon Anna Wyncomb (Malin Akerman) wanted a release valve from her life's mounting frustrations... which she got big time when a friend tipped her to an underground all-women's fight club. The fun...