An aspiring actress, Kia Anderson (Kate Lister, Unhinged), is desperate to make it as an actress. Still, with a lot of recent rejections, she begins to doubt herself. That is until she receives a...
The suspense is killer when a San Francisco Psychiatrist begins to suspect he's been set up to take the fall for a murder, by his new lover. Starring Richard Gere, Kim Basinger and Uma Thurman...
Wing chun practitioner Chen Shi (Fan Liao) came to pre-WWII Tianjin to honor his late master's wishes and open a school for preserving his fighting art. In order to secure permission from the...
Witness Rod shakin' his you-know-what like there's no tomorrow in the final concert of the Faces, featuring a high powered performance from Keith Richards! Includes It's All Over Now; Take a Look at...