A perplexing and fascinating mix of psychological drama and black comedy, Joel and Ethan Coen's award-winning film stars John Turturro as Barton Fink, a '40s New York playwright hired by a Hollywood...
Unsatisfied with his career as the face of a national ad campaign, Jim Owens (Michael Rosenbaum, "Smallville") heads back home to Indiana for his high school reunion. Driven to relive the old days,...
It is a superb account, bursting at once with piety toward the spirit of this music and sheer irreverence toward it's execution (The New York Times on the recording of the Bach Partitas by Gidon...
Four-time Oscar nominee Ed Harris (APOLLO 13), Jim Sturgess (ACROSS THE UNIVERSE) and Oscar nominee Saoirse Ronan (ATONEMENT) and Colin Farrell (IN BRUGES) star in this epic saga of survival from...