Hollywood legends Rita Hayworth (Gilda), Robert Mitchum (The Night of the Hunter) and Academy Award winner Jack Lemmon (Best Actor in a Leading Role, Save the Tiger, 1973) team up in this high seas...
It had always been smooth sailing for Felix (Robert Mitchum) and Tony (Jack Lemmon) as they ran their no-questions-asked tramp steamer service across the Caribbean. The day the cargo turned out to be...
Pity the lads who suffer the hazardous consequences of "Fire Down Below" in our third collection, whether on board a wooden ship, mining underground, meeting the wrong kind of woman in port, or...
22 year-old boy is quite simply struggling in life to figure out what to do and how to do it. With tendencies towards nihilism, he questions society's rules of what men are 'supposed to do', such as...
While patrolling the Atlantic in 1943, an American naval submarine rescued three survivors left adrift from the sinking of a British hospital ship. Soon afterwards, however, the crew of the sub was...