Gypo Nolan stumbles through a foggy Irish night, his brain pickled in whiskey and his soul tormented by shame and fear. Gypo is an informer, a turncoat who betrayed his friend to the British police...
Ginger Rogers has never been lovelier than she is in this tantalizing, romantic melodrama. Rogers, aptly enough, portrays popular film star Carol Corliss, who is stricken with a severe phobia of...
Trapped is the story of a high-stakes business swindle that involves financial deviousness, emotional blackmail, sexual deception, psychological coercion, fraud, forgery, extortion, intimidation, and...
After a ten-year hiatus, lawyer Ralph Anderson (Richard Widmark) returns to his hometown of Tula, California, where his father Lloyd (Carl Benton Reid) and brother Tippy (Earl Holliman) serve as the...