In his fascinating exploration of a triple homicide case in Conroe, Texas, master filmmaker Werner Herzog (Cave of Forgotten Dreams, Grizzly Man) probes the human psyche to explore why people...
Jeanette MacDonald portrays Nina Maria, who sings, dances and spies for Spain during the Napoleonic Wars. Early in the story, Nina is eager to discourage an amorous French officer, so she feigns...
Deep in the forests of Australia, some friends are exploring a remote cave system when a tropical storm hits. As rising flood waters trap them deep below the surface, something even deadlier emerges...
Unidentified Submersible Objects are the new UFO. USOs traverse the skies but also traffic in the ocean's depths seemingly outside our current understanding of the laws of physics. USOs exhibit no...
In January 2022, one of the most powerful volcanic eruptions in recorded history rocked the Pacific islands of Tonga, sending shockwaves around the world. Through first-person accounts of the...