His vision exposed a real world of raw life like no others. His career inspired a group of actors, writers and directors that changed movies forever. In these two acclaimed dramas from the late Alan...
With Core Solutions, you get 3 super-effective 10-minute core sculpting workouts. Each one targets the front, side and back of your waist to minimize the total package, but with it's own special...
This 30-minute total body workout specifically targets your core muscles abdominals, lower back and hips so you get lean from the inside out! Not only will you get flab-free abs, shrink your...
Power Yoga will sculpt your upper body, abs, hips, thighs and buttocks while stretching your muscles for a longer, leaner, more toned body. Relieve the stress, increase flexibility, gain greater...
Cardio Overdrive will kick your weight loss into high gear. Unique low impact cardio and body shaping exercises burn calories both during and after this dynamic workout. Tone your legs, arms and...