David E. Talbert makes his directorial debut with this comedy about Durell (Ice Cube) and LeeJohn (Tracy Morgan), childhood friends with a knack for getting into trouble. Despite his continual bad decisions, Durell gets one thing right: he's a good father to his adolescent son. When he learns that the boy's mother, his ex-girlfriend, Omunique (Regina Hall), needs $17,000 to buy her beauty shop or she'll leave Baltimore and move to Atlanta, he's determined to get her the money to keep his son in his life. Meanwhile, LeeJohn needs big money fast to pay off some bad guys. Durell and LeeJohn decide that the collection plate of their local church holds the answer to their money woes. Director David E. Talbert Star Ice Cube, Katt Williams, Tracy Morgan, Loretta Devine, Michael Beach, Keith David, Special Features: Anamorphic Widescreen - 1.85 Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 - English, French Subtitles - English, French - Optional Subtitles - English - Closed Captioned Additional Release Material: Additional Audio Material Camera Wrap Sheet - David Talbert - Director Audio Commentary - 1. David Talbert - Director Deleted Scenes / Extended Scenes Gag Reel Outtakes - 1. Katt Williams 2. Tiffany Pollard Interactive Features: The Almighty Version Enhanced Fact Track Runtime: 94 minutes.
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