Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect, Into the Woods) and Jeremy Jordan (TV's "Smash," Broadway's "Newsies") star in The Last Five Years, an adaptation of the popular musical of the same name. Jamie...
THE AMERICAN PREMIERE OF THE INFAMOUS 'LOST' ARGENTO FILM After FOUR FLIES ON GREY VELVET, Dario Argento stepped away from giallo to create what remains the only non-horror/thriller - and least-seen...
BILLY PILGRIM LIVES - FROM TIME TO TIME TO TIME... Past, present and future collide in darkly satirical fashion in Slaughterhouse-Five! Based on Kurt Vonnegut's classic 1969 novel, this tale of time...
The 1970s were a time of intense uncertainty and instability in Italy. Political corruption and widespread acts of left and right-wing terrorism, alongside a breakdown in social cohesion and a loss...