Directed by legendary Spanish filmmaker Carlos Saura, Flamenco, Flamenco is an evolutionary musical journey through the light, song and dance of a dynamic and alive art form. Beautifully photographed...
An uplifting romantic comedy about plain Jane Sylvia who's enticed by a gorgeous guitarist's charms to take Flamenco lessons. The sexy rhythms move her feet, and Sylvia begins to blossom. Starring...
A dozen different souls-all moving in different directions, all longing for something more. As their lives unexpectedly intersect, they each are about to discover there is power in the Cross of...
Discover ways to have fun with this musical day with the Biggles and the Kidsongs Kids! It's smiles all around as they build sand castles at the beach, get soaked bathing adorable puppies ride bikes,...
Dan Duryea, Gwen Watford, Isa Miranda. A great murder mystery. The only clue to a mad killer's identity is his shoes! The crime's only witness saw them while she was bent over picking something up...