In the distant future, a federation marshal arrives at a research lab on a remote planet where a monstrous genetic experiment is loose and feeding on the scientists who created it. Enter into the...
A dutiful robot named Robby speaks 188 languages. An underground lair provides astonishing evidence of a populace a million years more advanced than Earthlings. There are many wonders on Altair-4,...
In 1966, the notorious producer/director/distributor team of Lee Frost and Bob Cresse (HOT SPUR, THE SCAVENGERS) combined the extremes of the Mondo genre with their own depraved aesthetic to create...
The Forbidden Room is an epic phantasmagoria from Guy Maddin and Evan Johnson. Honoring classic cinema while electrocuting it with energy, this Russian nesting doll of a film begins (after a prologue...
Mahi feels strange emotional and physical changes as she enters puberty and gets involved in an innocent love triangle. Her mother's deliberately wrong answer to the question: 'how a woman gets...