As a category 5 hurricane barreled towards Puerto Rico, a cop (Emile Hirsch) was trying to get the remaining residents of an apartment complex-a doctor (Kate Bosworth) and her retired plainclothesman...
This new release is an in-depth portrait of dance superstar Natalia Osipova directed by BAFTA winning filmmaker Gerry Fox. Force of Nature Natalia follows a season in the life dance superstar Natalia...
Robert Redford, Glenn Close, Kim Basinger, Robert Duvall. A classic fantasy about a superstar rookie baseball player who faces unexpected tragedy while leading his lowly team to victory. This Barry...
Hoping to free a captive war reporter (Diane Kruger) from the clutches of the Taliban, an elite French Special Forces team is dispatched to Afghanistan. Traversing hostile terrain, the soldiers...
World kick-boxing champion Gary Daniels (The Expendables) stars with Peter Weller (Robo Cop I & II TV's Dexter) in the adrenaline-fuelled mixed martial arts action-thriller FORCED TO FIGHT. Once...