When a double volume featuring Ivan Moravec was included in the 1999 "Great pianists of the 20th Century" box set (Philips Records), many a music lover was taken aback. Although Americans knew the...
H?l?ne Boschi's repertoire was broad-based, ranging from the Baroque (Fran?ois Couperin, Jean Philippe Rameau, Johann Sebastian Bach) to contemporary music. Her favorite composers of the Viennese...
Paaske Portrait CD1. Sk°nne Fru Beatriz (Lovely Mrs. Beatriz), Song 2. I Mester Sebalds Have (In Mr. Sebald's Garden), Op. 13: No. 1. Genboens F°rste Vise (The Neighbor's First Ballad) 3. Letizia,...
Alfonso Rendano was a pianist of a great stature. A lonely, curious, and stateless musician, never forgetting his roots. While struggling within he was capable of projecting himself with pioneering...