Directors Zach Lipovsky and Adam Stein's FREAKS portrays the story of 7-year-old Chloe (Lexy Kolker), who lives in both fear under her father's (Emile Hirsch) protective and paranoid control, and...
Stuart Gordon takes you on a pulse pounding roller- coaster ride in Castle Freak. One of the most macabre thrillers you'll ever experience. John Reilly (Jeffrey Combs - Re-Animator), Susan (Barbara...
In Freaks of Nature, we welcome you to Dillford, where three days ago, everything was peaceful and business as usual: the vampires were at the top of the social order, the zombies were at the bottom,...
Clever romantic comedy with a sci-fi twist follows Stillman (Asa Butterfield), an expert in physics who gets dumped by his girlfriend, Debbie (Sophie Turner). Does Stillman wallow in self pity? Does...