Freedom Fighters Algeria / Var Freedom Fighters Algeria / Var CD1. Inno Della Resistenza 2. Racconto D'oggi 3. Oh! Degaulle 4. Non C'e' Altro Dio Che Dio 5. L'algeria Si E'ribellata 6. Nostra Algeria...
Only album from these mysterious noise mod punks, originally released in 1997. Fits in perfectly with late era Halo of Flies.1. Bad Back 2. Bob Dylan's 119th Dream 3. Sweet Somethings 4. C.E.O 5. 1...
The Union of Peoples of Angola (UPA) began a sustained armed struggle against the Portuguese colonial forces in 1961. This album, recorded in 1962, contains songs from the Upa Fighters that proclaim...
Machon,Acholi Lapwong (Freedom Fighters) CD1. Convoy 2. Acholi Kabedobe (Acholi Land Is a Good Place) 3. Welo Morweng (Visitor) 4. Adul Ki Ladulla Dul (Let Children Be Happy) 5. Ododo (Quit Running...