Set in L.A.'s South Central 'hood, this explosive drama centers on Kaydee "Caine" Lawson (Tyrin Turner), a troubled youth so deeply involved with his friends in the lifestyle of robbery, drug...
Menace Ii Society / O.S.T. Menace Ii Society / O.S.T. CD1. Nigga Gots No Heart - Spice 1 2. Streiht Up Menace (From Compton's Most Wanted) - MC Eiht 3. Packin' a Gun - Ant Banks 4. Top of the World -...
The place is Watts, but it could be any urban area blighted by guns and poverty. The person is 18 year old Caine, but he could be any young man in the 'hood. The movie could only be Menace II...