When an outbreak of bubonic plague hits their steamship, an unlikely quartet-a wealthy chemist (Herbert Marshall), a timid teacher (Claudette Colbert), a hard-nosed journalist (William Gargan), and...
After a tragic event, a sheltered young woman seeks the comfort of some long-forgotten scary story records from her youth. The specter of losing her family home and a string of crimes in her...
In 1997, Robert "Rob Rich" and Sibil "Fox Rich" Richardson were convicted of armed robbery for the holdup of a Shreveport credit union. Then pregnant and with four sons at home, she was released...
Traded - Blu-ray - Kris Kristofferson and Trace Adkins are just two of the familiar faces in a new Western film, Traded. Traded is set in Kansas in 1883, and it stars Michael Pare - who's best known...