Released in 1982, the dystopian BLADE RUNNER was directed by Ridley Scott (THE DUELLISTS, ALIEN) and featured Harrison Ford in his second starring role after RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. Celebrating it's...
Blade Runner Black Lotus (Original Television Soundtrack) is a dynamic multi-genre album with global appeal that soundtracks each episode of the 13 part TV series. The soundtrack boasts tracks from...
A stunning three CD collection to mark the 25th Anniversary of Blade Runner. The trilogy features previously unreleased music from the film, bonus tracks and a brand new album of Vangelis material...
Import exclusive soundtrack to multi-national romantic drama, originally issued in 2003 & just released on DVD in the U.S., features the score by Gianfilippo Corticelli & one track, 'Gocce Di...
Vinyl LP pressing. Mondo, in partnership with ASG and Def Jam Recordings, is proud to announce the premiere vinyl release of the highly anticipated anime series Blade Runner: Black Lotus soundtrack...