Nouvelle Frontier Nouvelle Frontier CD1. Pacification 2. Pour Un Temps de Mare 3. Le Hros 4. Sans Lgende 5. So Long Marianne 6. Frontire 7. Le Chemin Du Roi 8. Que J'aime de T'aimer 9. Allluia,...
2013 Japanese pressing Blu-spec CD2 reissue. Includes four bonus tracks. Sony.1. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) 2. Send Her My Love 3. Chain Reaction 4. After the Fall 5. Faithfully 6. Edge of the...
Heldon Interface CD1. Les Soucoupes Volantes Vertes 2. Jet Girl: Part 1: In New York or Paris, Equivalent/Part II: In South Bronx 3. Le Retour Des Soucoupes Volantes 4. Bal-A-Fou 5. Le Fils Des...
Black,Mary No Frontiers CD1. No Frontiers 2. Past the Point of Rescue 3. The Shadow 4. Carolina Rua 5. Shuffle of the Buckled 6. Columbus 7. Another Day 8. Fat Valley of Pain 9. I Say a Little Prayer...