Released in 2009, Suffocation's Blood Oath is the band's 6th studio full length. Pitchfork called the release the band's most powerful production to date, an album that crystalizes their death metal...
The mid-to-late 1980s will forever be regarded as the most fertile time period for heavy metal music, when the groundwork laid by Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, and Iron Maiden would spawn thrash (led...
One their most superb effort to date, Das Oath plow ahead on their destructive path, ascending to the furthest reaches of intensity to emerge as the forerunners of classic modern hardcore. With some...
Released in 2009, Suffocation's Blood Oath is the band's 6th studio full length. Pitchfork called the release the band's most powerful production to date, an album that crystalizes their death metal...