When Arendelle is set upon by a vengeful quartet of elemental entities, ice sorceress queen Elsa (voiced by Idina Menzel) and her sister Anna (Kristen Bell) are tasked with a perilous quest in order...
Leaning into advancements in camera and drone technology since it's predecessor series aired 11 years prior, this remarkable sequel offering from the BBC Natural History Unit and David Attenborough...
Paul Atreides (Timoth?e Chalamet) was expected to someday steer his noble family's appointed duties mining precious spice from the desert world of Arrakis. He'll have to deal with the treachery of...
Following a mysterious treasure map into a spectacular underground realm of twisting passages outrageous booby-traps and a long-lost pirate ship full of golden dubloons, the kids race to stay one...