Bob Hope (The Road To Hong Kong) and Lucille Ball (Yours, Mine and Ours) are teamed in The Facts of Life, a comedy with dramatic twists. When their spouses are unable to join them on a planned group...
In 1913, the Thomas Edison Company made talking pictures using a sound-on-cylinder system called The Kinetophone. These pioneering sound movies were shown in theatres for about a year, and featured...
A classic sitcom - and that's a Fact! Mrs. Garrett and her girls - Blair, Natalie, Tootie and Jo - are back with another batch of freshly baked episodes filled with humor and heart in the sixth...
Blair, Natalie, Tootie, and Jo say goodbye to their beloved Mrs. G - and things will never be the same again in The Facts of Life: Season Eight. When Edna Garrett finds love, the girls are...
Charlotte Rae, Lisa Welchel, Mindy Cohn, Kim Fields, Nancy McKeon. Mrs. Garrett continues to teach and guide her four boarding school students as they embark on a bevy of new life experiences,...