After the tragic overdose of his estranged friend, Will, a recovering addict, returns home, where he is reunited with Claire, his friend's grieving mother, with whom he begins a secret but volatile...
THE FUTURE BITES was co-produced by Wilson with David Kosten (Bat For Lashes, Everything Everything). THE FUTURE BITES sees Wilson exploring contemporary addiction and the lasting effect of...
In this hilarious and idiosyncratic comedy, Carol (Lake Bell, NO STRINGS ATTACHED) is an underachieving voice coach living in the shadow of her egotistical father Sam (Fred Melamed, a SERIOUS MAN),...
In this beautifully photographed tour de force of original thinking, Academy Award winner, Jeff Bridges shares the screen with scientists, profound thinkers and a dazzling array of Earths living...
Zero is a brilliant scientist. Unfortunately, he was publicly humiliated 20 years ago and lost the love of his life, Helena. But he soon gets the chance to rewrite history - when an accident with one...