A release dedicated to the work of filmmakers Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Mi?ville, this edition brings together four short films made between 1993 and 2002. Four short films, as writer Michael...
Gambler; DVD; Director - Rupert Wyatt - In this remake of the James Caan 1974 vehicle THE GAMBLER, an English professor (Mark Wahlberg) who is also a compulsive gambler finds that the only people who...
New Short: Bartholomew Whoops & the Bad Bad Ball. Director's Biography & Filmography. Tom Palazzolo is an Independent Film and Medium artist who makes documentary and narrative films. He has...
Chantal Akerman was a filmmaker whose works are exercises in pure independence, creativity and art. Each Akerman film is a world to be explored on it's own terms, and her viewers must give themselves...